JLN Vertical Integration/Network Diagnostic and Readiness Tool

Papers and Briefs |

The Vertical Integration/Network Diagnostic and Readiness Tool is designed to help stakeholders in low and middle-income countries to successfully assess readiness and review current policies and initiatives relating to vertical integration. The tool is also designed to collect data and information on existing vertical integration pilots.

The Vertical Integration/Networks Diagnostic and Readiness Tool is divided into three instruments, each targeted at different stakeholders:

Instrument 1 is addressed to policymakers, payers and regulators and it covers system-wide policies, regulations and leadership supporting (or inhibiting) vertical integration at the national or federal level. It focuses on broad policy and institutional attributes of vertical integration at the national level.

Instrument 2 is addressed to healthcare facilities and front-line practitioners. It seeks to understand the degree to which vertical integration has been introduced and incorporated into the delivery system as well as the supporting institutional and financial environment. In addition to assessing capacities and nuts-and bolts features of vertical integration (or the lack thereof), it also assesses organizational environments in terms of policies, leadership and support for the same. It also gathers information on four types of patient transitions from the perspective of the respondents: PHC-hospital, specialist-PHC, hospital-home, and community-PHC-hospital for MNCH.

Instrument 3 is addressed to practitioners and implementers of vertical integration pilots and initiatives. It covers the major enablers or disablers in the broader institutional and financial environment as well as vertically integrated care practices implemented by these initiatives. Each initiative will probably cover a single type of patient transition.

To facilitate implementation, an online version of the tool is also available using through the Survey Solutions software. Find instructions on how to access the Survey Solutions version by downloading the tool below.

The tool builds upon findings from a March 2018 Join Learning Network coproduction workshop in Manila facilitated by Aceso Global.

Please email jln.vi@acesoglobal.org if you need more information on the tool.

See here for a webinar presenting the tool.

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